
DAVIS Holds BIM Symposium at Rockville HQ

Construction professionals sit at conference room tables listening to a presentation on laser scanning.

On Friday, June 9, dozens gathered in the DAVIS Events Center for the inaugural DAVIS BIM (Business Information Modeling) Symposium, put together by DAVIS' Chris Scanlon and Julien Bartolo! An array of professionals from trade partners, vendors, and others were in attendance to spark a dialogue concerning BIM, Virtual Construction, and how the latest tools and techniques can be used to find creative solutions.

As we continue to implement new solutions on each project, there are challenges to finding the best approach—slow adoption, planning processes, and complex environments can present obstacles. “We wanted to bring people together in a friendly environment where we can talk constructively about the issues we’re seeing,” Scanlon said. “This was a great opportunity to learn from each other. And DAVIS got some great feedback as well."

For the first iteration of an event, the amount of people that showed up was a nice surprise. “Over 50 people showed up—including someone from Bolivia, some from Florida, and Philadelphia,” Bartolo said. When organizing the event, Scanlon and Bartolo wanted to leave plenty of time for conversation—and by the end of the day, discussion was still going strong. The next symposium can’t come soon enough!